Sunday 7 August 2016

Portuguese attaché to Nigeria: I’m called Oba of Owambe

 What was your impression about Nigeria before your first visit?

Unfortunately, the image of Nigeria for a person coming from Europe is not the most attractive. I remember when I was informed last year that I would come to work for the (Portuguese) Embassy (in Nigeria), and the words ‘terrorism’ and ‘Ebola’ were the most frequent ones associated with Nigeria. However, when I was informed about my position in Abuja, not even for one moment did I hesitate to accept the assignment. I already knew that Nigeria has a lot of problems, in the same way that our countries in Europe also have. But something kept telling me that this huge country should have much more than only these two unfortunate features.

So, I was curious about it before I came. And to be honest, I have never made such a right decision to come to Nigeria. I learned so much more than I could ever imagine about the country, the people, the culture, the history and so many other things. I came with no fear at all and a lot of expectations. In the end, I will leave with a lot of good memories and a feeling that this is my country as well; the country that I’ve learnt to respect, admire and love.

What Nigerian book are you currently reading or have read?

At the moment, I am deeply engrossed in ‘Aké: The years of childhood’ from the renowned professor, Wole Soyinka.

If you’re to adopt a place in Nigeria where will it be and why?

I’ve been living in Abuja since I got here. I enjoy the city. But if I wasn’t posted here, I wouldn’t mind at all to live in Uyo – Akwa Ibom State. A place I discovered recently but that somehow got my attention. I am also a southerner, so perhaps I got identified with the beauties of the South-South.

If there is a Nigerian food you’ll like to eat over and over again, what will it be?

That’s easy: chicken suya. It is one of those cases of ‘love at first taste.’ It’s so easy to prepare and yet so tasty.

Is that your first meal in Nigeria?

Yes, indeed. After only one day in Nigeria, I decided to go out and look for something to eat. And when I was passing by a restaurant, I saw at the entrance a young man preparing the famous chicken suya. Just by the smell, I immediately knew I would love it.

For how long have you been living here?

I’ve lived in Nigeria for 10 months now.

How many states have you been to in the country?

Unfortunately, because of the volume of work I always have to do, I don’t have enough time to visit such a huge and diverse country as Nigeria. However, I got the chance to visit Akwa Ibom once and went to Kaduna three times. Nevertheless, I have already planned some other trips, namely to Lagos and Oyo.

Where’s your favourite fun spot here?

In terms of fun, I have a few depending on the purpose of the fun. But when it comes to real fun, I must choose Blake in Abuja.

Do you see any similarity between Nigerians and Portuguese?

A lot; Nigerians and Portuguese are very resilient and proud of their cultures. Historically, we have a common past of fighting against oppression (whether internal or external). The warm and friendly way Nigerians receive other people remind me a lot about one of the most appreciated characteristics which everyone who visits my country recognises about us. We are open people that like and are used to warmly receiving others. Although enjoyment and celebration are quite important in our both ways of living, Nigerians and Portuguese are undeniably hard-working people, always fighting for a better future for ourselves. Also, I discovered that we share a strong feeling for exploring the world.

Can you tell us about your first local drink here?

Arriving Abuja in October, with such warm weather, there was a strong need for a cold drink. So I discovered the famous Star beer.

Have you attended any Nigerian party and how will you describe the experience?

I’ve been to some and I was not surprised at all. They totally fulfilled my highest expectations; the fun, the rhythm, the calm environment, and the dancing. I was already expecting all of that. In Portugal, we have a big African community (mostly from Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau) and I regularly attended a lot of parties organised by them. The joy, the freedom to dance in every possible way you want to, and the loud music, all these remind me of my weekends in Lisbon with my friends.

Do you have any favourite local wear?

I have four kaftans made with ‘adire.’ A special gift from my colleague and best friend in Nigeria.

Do you have a local nickname?

I do not have a local nickname. But my colleagues at the embassy used to call me Oba of Owambe, since I always like to have fun during the weekend, after a busy working week.

If you were to choose a Nigerian name what would it be and why?

I would choose ‘Usoro,’ mainly because although I take life serious at my work, at the same time I’m a positive and happy person; facing my life as a blessing and a constant celebration.

Do you speak any Nigerian language?

I wish I could. But coming from a country in which we all speak only one language and arriving here with hundreds of languages spoken is not easy. However, I know some words in Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa and Ibibio.

How do you feel that the Portuguese national football team are now the champions of Europe?

I cannot even describe the feeling to you. It was a fantastic moment; after so many years of being so close to the trophy, we finally got it. And the whole story has some kind of magic: our first games not well played; the criticism from the media; the general confidence that Portugal wouldn’t get far in the tournament; the injury of (Cristiano) Ronaldo in the final and then the winning goal scored by one of the most unlikely players: our beloved Eder (Lopes). The victory (at the Euro 2016) is another example that such a small and historical country like Portugal can record outstanding achievements even when the obstacles seem insurmountable – awesome story. I will never forget it and being resident in Nigeria at the time made it even more special.

Where did you watch the final between Portugal and France?

I watched the final at my Ambassador’s residence, together with the small and yet noisy Portuguese community. We also got the chance to get support from a lot of friends coming from Brazil, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Nigeria, Venezuela, Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, Italy and I apologise if forgot anyone.

What fun activity do you like engaging in here?

I really enjoy the peace of a night in Abuja, going to a bush bar having a drink and eating some snacks with my friends. Besides, I always dedicate a lot of my free time to walk out. I go to the gym five days a week and on weekends, I play a lot of football with my friends – especially on Saturdays, I start at 10 am and finish in the evening. In fact, it was through football that I got the chance to meet most of my friends in Nigeria, coming from all over the world.

Do you have any favourite Nigerian entertainer, either in the music or film industry?

I am a big fan of PSquare. I have listened to almost all their songs. And I can tell you that in my country they would make a huge success since Portuguese people like the duo’s kind of rhythm. I will definitely introduce their music to my friends over there. It is virtually impossible not to dance to the sound of hits like, ‘Alingo,’ ‘Shekini’ and my favourite one ‘Chop my money.’ In addition to this, I also like music from Olamide and Korede Bello, with his famous ‘God win’.

Which Nigerian music do you like to dance to?

As you may see, I am a very energetic and positive person who needs to release all of it through music. Naturally, the Afrobeat has always been one of my first choices, even before I came to Nigeria. However, the Nigerian afrobeat style is at a much higher quality level than the one I used to dance to in Portugal since I was 18.

Copyright PUNCH.

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